Evaluation and Research

Kāhui Kōrero | Staff Blog

Nau mai ki te pae kōrero o Kāhui Tautoko Consulting – welcome to our staff blog where we hope to keep everyone entertained with what we get up to.

Being part of indigenous development around the globe means we are continually challenging and exploring the depths of conventional wisdom to turn it on its head and find relevant and manageable solutions for Indigenous communities.  We are privileged to work for and with our Native brothers and sisters from around the Pacific. Our many interactions with clients across various organisations from different countries have helped us develop to better serve the Indigenous communities we work with. This corner is about connecting our whānau or families with we’ve been up to.

Sit back and enjoy the different reflections of our staff as we share our learnings and stories with you all.

By Lisa Pohatu March 4, 2021
Infographics and Word clouds are two tools used to communicate information to groups of people.
By Mara Andrews December 21, 2020
Planned logistics was key to getting across the 10 Provinces and 2 Territories of Canada.
By Senior Consultant – Mara Andrews June 17, 2020
Kāhui Tautoko Consulting has conducted numerous research and evaluation projects since we started operating in the year 2000 – projects here in Aotearoa New Zealand, in Canada and in Hawai’i. The number one consideration in carrying out these projects is our ability to recruit and engage with indigenous participants.
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